What is facial reflexology ?

The results are simply incredible - carrying impulses to and from the Central Nervous System - beauty and internal harmony is reflected in the face; in special senses: eyes are whiter after one treatment. Bringing the body into a parasympathetic state: where the body relaxes and regenerates healthy cells.

Beauty is the by-product of this Vietnamese essence. Radiance reflected from within, without, as above, so below.

Every treatment is customized to your specific needs. What you are looking to achieve - I help unlock the chi (vital life force).

Whether it’s…

sensitive skin - invasive treatments, oncology, post surgery, pre-surgery, acne, IBS…

normal skin - retaining Ph balance, natural radiant glow, preventative maintenance, facial reflexology, face massage

mature skin - using dien chan treatments to enhance blood flow, circulation, add hydration and fill in lines and wrinkles, while creating homeostasis in the mind-body-soul

Melt away tension, release stuck emotions and say goodbye to trauma that may be trapped in the body.

When we go through life and experience uncomfortable situations - and attach to the situation out of fear - our spirit can affix to our skin.

The fascia tightens, muscles stiffen up and lines and wrinkles start to form (telling a story). This can all be reversed (or re-written) with facial reflexology. Simply practicing a ritualistic skincare routine - for 21 days - enforces a healthier mind-body-soul connection, while reducing facial tension and bringing joy and peace to your daily life again. Go ahead, smile more.